Our Services

what we do
and how we do it

Breakthrough Innovation

The problems faced

88% of the Fortune 500 firms that existed in 1955 are gone.  The digital age has accelerated the demise of companies that have failed to adapt, innovate and transform.  The global pandemic is accelerating the next transformation of the business landscape.  Is your business future-ready?  

Our Value to Your Business:
Sustainable transformation and innovation comes from within. However, many companies lack the expertise, tools and know how to start and succeed at innovation and transformation.  Our breakthrough innovation expertise, design and delivery methods supported by exponential technology is helping clients disrupt, transform and sustain their business value.

Risk Management

The problems faced

We help you to unlock, realize and sustain this value for your business.  We have helped clients transform and improve their Risk Management through transformative design thinking and methods, data-driven insights, intelligent automation and quantitative risk modelling capabilities.

Our Value to Your Business:
Regulation, compliance and audit have been the main drivers historically in how many businesses and sectors have managed risk. Digitalization has brought with it a risk landscape that is dynamic, relentless and impactful, which can have devastating impacts on financial performance.  The challenge for the Risk Management profession globally lies not only in the ability to protect business and comply, but also to be a strategic driver of value.


The problems faced

Transformation of talent is a critical priority for businesses globally, with over 80% of executives saying they had a future skills gap.  The impact of automation, remote and flexible working, the speed of business evolution and having the culture and behaviour mix are all factors compounding this problem.

Our Value to Your Business:
Our Future Skills practice can support your organization and talent journey.  Our Digital Workforce practice offers innovative skills and role persona models, seamless integration of learning into common desktop tools, game-based awareness and learning adoption and learning outcome behaviour analytics.

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