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TMT ID and FIL Partner for Global Fraud Intelligence

TMT ID and Fraud Intelligence Limited (FIL) have announced a strategic partnership to enhance global fraud intelligence capabilities. FIL, a joint venture between Orillion Solutions and Soramitsu, utilizes advanced blockchain technology to facilitate secure data exchange among telecoms and industry groups. By integrating TMT ID’s TeleShield service with FIL’s blockchain platform, the partnership aims to provide superior fraud detection and prevention insights, supporting a collaborative fight against telecom fraud worldwide.

Telecoms Fraud Intelligence and Fraud Intelligence Limited Partner to Enhance Fraud Detection​

Telecoms Fraud Intelligence and Fraud Intelligence Limited have formed a strategic partnership to enhance fraud detection and prevention. The collaboration aims to leverage advanced technology and enriched data to provide a comprehensive view of various fraud types, streamline processes, and improve the effectiveness of fraud management strategies.

Introducing the new Fraud Intelligence Interface​

As partners in this initiative, we are thrilled to unveil a major upgrade to our web application, streamlining traditional processes for fraud intelligence professionals. This update provides a consolidated view of various fraud types, enriched data with a confidence index, immediate access to crucial data, educational tools, dynamic report filtering, and flexible subscription options. 

Consortium bringing a game-changing approach to Risk and Cyber Crime Awareness

As companies enter an era of remote and distributed working, the reliance on a strong risk culture will define its success in navigating turbulent times. Creating the right risk culture is a critical but complex challenge which goes beyond the tone-at-the-top or narrow risk manager focus.

RAG Wangiri Blockchain: Many Hands Make Insightful Work

We know that fraudsters keep evolving, and that telcos need to keep progressing to avoid being overrun by them. We also know that fraudsters pick upon the weakest, systematically exploiting them to generate profits they might reinvest in new ways to commit crime. But unlike a hive, a telco’s network is not a discrete entity

RAG TV: Why Telcos Share Fraud Intelligence by Linking Their Fraud Management Systems

Watch this episode of RAG TV where Shaw Communications, Subex, Orillion Solutions plus the RAG TV hosts talk about why telcos should help each other to protect customers by sharing information about wangiri fraud.

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Constructing a Hive Mind for Fraud

We know that fraudsters keep evolving, and that telcos need to keep progressing to avoid being overrun by them. We also know that fraudsters pick upon the weakest, systematically exploiting them to generate profits they might reinvest in new ways to commit crime. But unlike a hive, a telco’s network is not a discrete entity

Introducing the new Fraud Intelligence Interface

As partners in this initiative, we are thrilled to unveil a major upgrade to our web application, streamlining traditional processes for fraud intelligence professionals. This update provides a consolidated view of various fraud types, enriched data with a confidence index, immediate access to crucial data, educational tools, dynamic report filtering, and flexible subscription options. 

First Business Integrations with the RAG Wangiri Blockchain Ledger

We are pleased to announce the next important milestone in the project has been reached with three consortium members, Vivacom, Neural Technologies and GBSD Technologies, all now able to automatically connect, submit and retrieve data from the ledger through the open and published API.

Consortium bringing a game-changing approach to Risk and Cyber Crime Awareness

As companies enter an era of remote and distributed working, the reliance on a strong risk culture will define its success in navigating turbulent times. Creating the right risk culture is a critical but complex challenge which goes beyond the tone-at-the-top or narrow risk manager focus.

RAG Wangiri Blockchain: Many Hands Make Insightful Work

We know that fraudsters keep evolving, and that telcos need to keep progressing to avoid being overrun by them. We also know that fraudsters pick upon the weakest, systematically exploiting them to generate profits they might reinvest in new ways to commit crime. But unlike a hive, a telco’s network is not a discrete entity

RAG TV: Why Telcos Share Fraud Intelligence by Linking Their Fraud Management Systems

Watch this episode of RAG TV where Shaw Communications, Subex, Orillion Solutions plus the RAG TV hosts talk about why telcos should help each other to protect customers by sharing information about wangiri fraud.

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