Our Solutions

Blockchain Ecosystems

The Biggest Telco Blockchain Consortium


The Problem to be solved :

It makes sense for companies globally to collaborate in sharing fraud intelligence – right? Then why do most industries still suffer from a lack of fraud intelligence that would help them prevent fraud occuring and impacting their customers. The most common problems are the use of centralised, beurocratic methods of data being shared, a lack of trust and security in the technologies used, as well as the lack of reciprocal value that contributors of the data find over time.

Our Solution and Approach:
Orillion Solutions has developed a blockcahin based technology ecosystems to allow Telcos globally share fraud intelligence relating to international phone scams. Over 90 contributing parties across 6 continents have used the technology to share over 5 million numbers used in fraud. Over a quarter of mobile telephony customers globally have benefitted from their operators participating in this critical project.

Music Rights
and Royalties


The Problem to be solved :

Despite a 1500% increase in music sale volumes over the last twnety years, composers and artists have seen a decline in the value of music royalties by 20%. The average artist receives less than 10% of the royalties derived from music streaming sites. This industry problem is exacerbated by legacy back-office systems, exploitative middlemen and a large music copyright data issue. Disruption is needed to save the industry and music professionals from failure.

Our Value to Your Business:
Orillion Solutions is working with music and technology partners to design a seamless, real-time and trusted experience for musicians to protect the rights to their music and royalties. With the use of blockahin and music detection technologies, an efficient, distributed technology back office platform will power the African music industry to overcome its exploitative past.

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